Coffee Sapiens: Innovation Through Understanding


Ferran Ardia

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RRP $200.00

The ultimate guide to the world’s most popular hot beverage – from Ferran Adrià’s elBullifoundation and Lavazza.

In this all-encompassing encyclopaedia, experts at the elBullifoundation, working alongside the world-leading coffee brand Lavazza, provide the answers to questions such as: Where does coffee come from? What is the story behind every single cup? How have we come to consider this product an intrinsical part of our daily lives?

This comprehensive and fascinating volume is perfectly positioned for culinary professionals, coffee aficionados, and all those who want to explore the world behind this vital element of our everyday lives.

Readers will discover the history, consumption practices, production techniques, and myriad varieties of coffee, and gain an understanding of the coffee industry as a whole.

This is the perfect companion for those who want to approach the worlds of coffee and gastronomy from a practical and intellectual point of view, either as a culinary professional or a curious coffee enthusiast.

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RRP $200.00



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