Book Lists
Check out our collection of very fantastic book lists, carefully curated by our team of well-read buyers and booksellers!
Graphic Novels and Manga that made us cry.
Books about the brain, how it functions and its ability to adapt have been making the bestseller charts for quite some time.
We have collected some of the most popular, most intriguing and most thought provoking books, from areas including science, philosophy, psychology and history. There are books about memory and how to improve it, about ideas that changed the past and will create the future.
A selection of our favourite non-fiction from women.
We celebrate the work of some of our favourite feminist visionaries, and exploring imagined and aspired to futures of equality and liberation. From speculative fiction and art to sociology and personal histories, these visionary writers invite us to step into new worlds.
Challenge yourself with a diverse spread of perspectives and learnings to help us write a future for everyone.
Book # KinoLoves is a selection of our favourite titles that we take any opportunity to recommend to you!
Powerful voices that inspire and educate. Here are some of the voices we all need to hear!
At the Intersection: A selection of diverse women’s voices
From women of colour, First Nations authors and Chinese feminists, to queer and trans women, refugee women and differently-abled women, we celebrate a most amazing spectrum of voices, and take inspiration from their stories.