Gift Giving Wall x The Pyjama Foundation 2018

Visit our Gift Giving Wall and share the joy of reading this Christmas with a child in need!
This year we’ve once again set up a Gift Giving Wall in our Wedge Gallery, in partnership with The Pyjama Foundation.
To donate a book gift to a child in foster care, just head over to the wall and pick up one of the many cards hanging on it. Each card will give you guidelines on what age group to buy a book gift for, plus offer some great suggestions on which books would be best.
When you’ve picked out your book gifts, take them along with your Gift Giving Wall cards to our cashiers and we’ll give you 20% OFF* them! Then just leave the cards and books with us and we’ll pass them all along to the good folk at The Pyjama Foundation to give to children in foster care throughout Australia.
The Pyjama Foundation was founded in 2004 to give children in foster care the opportunity to change the direction of their lives with learning, life skills, and confidence. Through a simple program known as the Love of Learning Program, volunteers called Pyjama Angels are matched with a child in care, and spend just one hour a week focusing on learning based activities. Pyjama Angels read books aloud, play educational games, and help children with their homework. In that time, they demonstrate that this child is valued and loved. To find out more about the great work they do, visit their website.
Also in the Wedge Gallery is our Colour-Your-Own-Moichi-Card station!
There’s a table with everything you need to style your very own, customised Christmas card with our lovable mascot Moichi on the front. Just colour him in, write your personalised message inside the blank card and take it home to give to a loved one this Christmas!
Illustrations by Charles Santoso.
*Discount not in conjunction with any other offer. Applies only to books purchased in store for donation to The Pyjama Foundation. All books must be surrendered to cashier staff in store on purchase.
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