BlackStar Pastry Pop-Up

On 29 October 2015, BlackStar Pastry will be taking over our café space here at Kino for their latest pop-up pâtisserie!

For years patrons have begged BlackStar to open in the city, to give them easy access to the their range of delicious pastries, fantastic Little Marionette coffee and, of course, the Strawberry Watermelon Cake.

At long last the stars have aligned and the spirit of Newtown is going to set up shop right here in our store… lucky us!

BSP Kinokuniya PR-3-2
No longer will office parties have to tolerate expensive cakes that are mostly icing. No longer will city-based worker bees have to wait until the weekend to get an award-winning slow-cooked lamb pie. No longer will they have to trawl the streets looking for a danish, flan, or croissant to accompany their morning coffee.

BlackStar is coming to town.

BSP Kinokuniya PR-1

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  1. lisa says:

    Hi, I want to buy your mini cake slices for someone’s birthday. I just want one of each slice of your cakes and I was wondering what time you close. I have uni class til 6pm on Wednesday. I also want to come in earlier to buy the cake and keep it at the store and pick it up later, if I can’t make it, someone else will get it. Is that possible

    1. Kinokuniya Australia says:

      Hi Lisa,

      The cafe here at our store is operated by BlackStar Pastry and their trading hours can be found here:
      To contact them about a cake purchase, please email or call them on (02) 9557 8656
