Kinokuniya Cosplay

Kinokuniya Free Comic Book Day is a day-long celebration of all things comics and pop culture, where we give away thousands of comics – free!
But it’s much more than just that. For us at Kino, it was a chance to celebrate and share our love of comics and pop culture with all the fans, and to be part of this colourful and wonderfully unique community.
It was our 10th anniversary this year, which meant throwing the biggest party we could so fans could get free graphic novels, free exclusive t-shirts and the chance to meet some fabulous comic creators. We especially love that so many of you turned up for the party in your finest dress, too!
One of the best parts of Kino FCBD is our annual Cosplay Competition. The costumes get better and more elaborate every year and we are constantly amazed by how much effort goes into them.
It was time somebody published a book for the world to enjoy.
So here it is – within the pages of Kinokuniya Cosplay are the magnificent entrants of the Kino FCBD 10th Anniversary Cosplay Competition! Pick up a copy in store to check it out.
Chewie Chan
Comics Consultant
Kinokuniya Cosplay is currently available for purchase in store only. RRP $45.
Photography by Joshua Florence. Published with self-publishing platform Blurb.
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Hope there r lots of info